Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Wanton Sun Goddess

You are the sunrise, brightening my day,... sometimes I have to wear shades but mostly i want to play... in your warmth.

You awaken me. You bring me warmth of the heart, the soul, you awaken my body and heat up my desire. You compell me to look forward to the bright new day with hope.

To gaze upon you is dangerous, for it beckons me to touch you. To touch that which is not mine, yet is. I want to posess you in a way. I want to please you. I want to burn my fingertips by embracing your skin.

Your heat, your searing radiance, fire my lust, put warmth into my soul. Let me touch you, oh forbidden sun. Let me singe myself on you. Let me scorch my mind into lackidasical bliss as I burn myself in your flesh.

My lust and my love only fuel the unquenchable fire that rages within me. You are my light. Without you I am in darkness. Burn me.