Tuesday, August 14, 2007

When she's not at my side

For her;

I wait
I count the minutes
I go to work
I smile as I pass by flowers
I grin at random times of the day

For her;

I daydream
I live
I breathe
I try to be a decent man
I am sure my heart beats

For her;

I smile when the sun shines
I smile when it rains
I go to sleep to see her in my dreams
I walk with a spring in my step
I get a hard-on in the middle of the day

For her;

I light up when I see a tulip
I grin when I drive past a hotel
I smile when I see children playing
I sigh happily when I close my eyes and picture her
I have a twinkle in my eyes

For she,....
....... she is my everything.