Tuesday, October 09, 2007

TMI Tuesday

1. Wash up, cuddle or fall asleep?
--- All of the above, with the right person of course!

2. Have you ever faked orgasms?
--- No.

3. In any 24 hour period, what is the most number of time you have ever had sex?
--- I'd have to say around 8,... BUT..... there's something this question doesn't account for.. and that's the duration of each sex act. When I was younger, I once had sex from around 7:00 pm until 7:00 am, straight through. Yes, straight through - as in no stopping,... seriously. And yes, I only had 2 orgasms and I kept on going, and yes, there was a lot of lubrication involved.

4. Have you ever had sex or give/received oral sex while you were driving a car?
--- Yes.

5. What do you think the average number of sexual partners your sex has in their lifetime (so for me a male)? Do you think most people lie when asked?
--- It all depends on the person. The average isn't a good measure because some men only have sex with 2 or so partners their entire lives, while others have over a hundred. What good would an average do? Nothing.... -- Oh, and do they lie? Some do, some don't.

Bonus (as in optional):Can men and women be "just friends?" (Explain)
--- Yes. Even sometimes when there's sexual tension they can be friends, but often some women and men develop a friendship that's more like a brother/sister or a father/daughter or a son/mother relationship.

Go see other TMI answers here: TMI Tuesdays