Monday, November 12, 2007

Quick update:

I don't have a whole lot of time, ... just figured I'd post so folks know I'm still alive and kickin'.

Been a weird few days. Lots of argument at home. More talk of divorce. And none of it had to do with the reason the contract was made, amazingly. Been overloaded with responsibilities at work recently & somewhat stressed about that. Been working hard on the house to try and get it looking better (in the back of my mind, in case I have to sell it soon). Overall, its been a shitty week.

Lustdemoness is my beacon of light right now, whether she knows it or not. I do cherish her so, in many ways. I am excited to get to see her tomorrow after what seems like an eternity without her.

More later. I hope you're all doing well! If not, you're going to get a spanking!