Thursday, June 28, 2007

My Lust-Demoness

Yep, I've met my Lust-Demoness. For some time now I know you could tell by my posts that I've been involved with a pretty special lady. Ever since my "first" who happened to be a nymphomaniac and "broke me in right," it has been hard to find a woman that could keep up with me. One thing some of you know and some of you don't know is that technically, I'm married. Yes, it was a marriage of convenience. Yes, initially there was love and sex. But years and years later now, love has been replaced with mutual tolerance and respect, and sex has been replaced with,.. well,... nothing. Thankfully my "wife" has a very open mind and understands my needs. She even signed a legal waiver allowing me to seek a mistress (something she's been telling me to get for years now). My wife has a few medical problems that prohibit vigorous activities, and she's also just lost her drive over the years.

About two years ago I started thinking about finding a mistress (she's been telling me to get one for three or four years now). And just over a year ago I found one that understands my situation. This is especially true since she herself is in a similar situation. This awesome lady is very special to me. From the minute we met I knew there was a connection. We started with a very flirtatious courtship until one day, months later I asked her when we were just going to break down and fuck each other's brains out. I know,.. I'm such a romantic, right? ;)

We have terrific conversations. We have fantastic comfortable silences. And we have the most amazing, mind-blowing sex one could ever imagine. Now over a year later, I love her as she loves me, completely. We still can't be together since there are certain circumstances that prevent it, but we've talked about this and are both very comfortable with the way things currently work. Perhaps one day we will be able to hold each other as we peer out the window upon the sunset's reflection in the rippling water.

Yesterday she and I met for one of our steamy interludes. We were both incredibly horny, and I warned her before we met that I was feeling quite frisky. She warned me she was willing to take in every inch of that friskiness. Rawr! (We match so well its as if we're made for each other!) After some passionate kissing we wound up in the bedroom. I ripped her jeans (and sexy little red panties too) off without unbuckling or unzipping them, in one strong pull. Before you know it we were going at each other like we hadn't seen each other in months.

We fucked so hard and so long and so vigorously, that we're both completely sore today. Someone at her work even asked her if she was alright or if she'd hurt something, judging by the way she was walking. As sore as we both are, we agree, it was WELL worth it. Yes, I've met my demoness, my Lust-Demoness.

What's next for the LD and the LDemoness? She thinks it'd be pretty hot to find another woman to join the fun. Mmmmm.... she's SO good to me! The soreness should be gone by tomorrow. Any volunteers? :)