Monday, August 07, 2006


Heat on highways
Nightfall Snakes
Lamp posts in Paris
Double takes

Big tittied women
Cardboard homes
Gigantic Iguana
All alone

Lightning reflexes
Karate Kid
Punk rock bitch
a guy named Sid

Hot cum in her mouth
A gun to his head
Thrashing and slashing
a blue waterbed

Beautiful skies
passion and love
amazing sex
white turtledove

Symbol of peace
my mom in a dress
Easter Sunday hats
innocence bless

Naive and determined
alone in a crowd
wisdom and experience
thinking aloud

What the hell do these things have in common? They all popped into my head. Why did I write them? Because they popped into my head. Don't like it? Fuck off. It's my blog. I'll write what I want to. Wow, I'm in a cocky mood today. I kinda like it too.