Thursday, June 22, 2006

Hey lady, lemme see those hands

Right here! On my chest!

Sometimes during foreplay, she'll put her hands on my chest. Sometimes during sex she'll lightly scratch or rub my chest. That is, whenever she isn't holding on to a table edge or headboard for dear life...

I know I don't have a lot of hair on my chest. I know I'm not completely bare either. I know you might have to wear sunglasses to look at this picture. For that one I apologize. ;) It was the overbright flash, yeah, really, it was! You believe me, don't you?

But I do so love it when she touches my chest, whether it be a soft caress or a light scratch to tantalize the senses. Some of you know from my list of 25 Sexual Things that I don't really enjoy any sucking on my nipples, or even a tongue on them much, as I am fairly ticklish there. But fingers and hands I give the go-ahead.

Hands running across the chest is such a sexy thought to me. And the physical feeling matches the mental excitement. So come on ladies, let's see those hands!